The NSW Public Servant of the Year Award is awarded to an individual who has demonstrated exemplary work and outstanding leadership in the NSW Government.
Judging criteria
Innovation and design
Weighting: 40%
- Initiative shown by the individual in identifying the potential for improvement to systems or service provision to the public.
- Evidence of innovation in responding to a problem, opportunity, or new policy, and in the delivery of the project.
- Commitment to public sector values, leadership, collaboration, excellent customer focus and stakeholder engagement.
- Perseverance and dedication throughout the project to ensure success.
Benefits and results
Weighting: 40%
- Evidence of how the individual effectively contributed to, initiated and/or lead the overall success of a project or initiative.
- Evidence of how well their work improved systems, services or outcomes for the people of NSW.
- Did the individual optimise opportunities, engage stakeholders effectively and manage risks or issues?
Above and beyond
Weighting: 20%
- Did the individual go above and beyond their normal duties or in a project or initiative?
- Did the individual demonstrate commitment to public sector values including excellent collaboration, customer focus, stakeholder management and leadership?
- Did the individual exceed expectations for the work to succeed?